Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Bombers Over Germany

Last Saturday Ken ran a Check Your 6! game, it was a medium sized scenario as he wanted to tryout a few house rules. One was combining the pilot and plane agility modifiers, simplifying bomber defensive fire and using two CABs.  Below is his write up of how the game went.

Somewhere Over Germany, February 1944.
The American raid consisted of 16x B-17s (F’s and G’s) escorted at first by 4x P-51C’s and later by 4x P-47D Razorbacks. The Luftwaffe sent up to intercepted the bombers 4x ME-109G-6, 2x ME-110G-2/R3 and 2x FW-190A-8/R2.  Chris piloted the Allies while John and Ken flew the Defenders of the Reich.

Only the lead bomber of each group tracked altitude. 
 The P-51s preceded the bombers and dove to meet the incoming fighters aiming for the lumbering ME-110’s. The ME-109s maneuvered to protect the 110’s and 190’s.

The Dogfight Begins!
After a turn or two of maneuvering planes where in a position of open fire.

John’s ace ME-109 quickly dispatched three of the four P-51s, while heavy bomber fire damaged the ME-110s and FW-190s (despite the latter’s heavy armor).

The green ME-110 pilot scored the first bomber kill with a hail of cannon fire. The lone P-51 circled the periphery of the battle while the P-47s lead by Ace Robert Johnson closed with the German attackers.  John was able to maneuver his Ace ME-109 pilot behind a wounded bomber.  Needing to roll a 4 or higher on 2d6 to score an “aimed” hit, the pilot flinched at the wrong moment and John rolled a 3, just missing.

This pictorial evidence needs to be destroyed :)
Unfortunately for the bombers, both ME-110s maneuvered into trailing positions and opened up. Two turns in a row the Germans downed at least one bomber.  However the defensive fire from the remaining B-17's finally downed the slow moving 110’s.

After 12 turns the bombers had reached their drop point and we ended the game (the Luftwaffe had nothing to stop them at this point!). We then calculated victory points, though we had forgot to check crew survival at the moment of destruction, so the totals are swayed to the favor of the Germans initially but after all the victory points were tallied, the US gained a slight victory.

The butcher’s bill:
8 B-17s, 3 P-51s, 2 ME-110s, 2 FW-190 and 2 ME-109, 1 German Ace, 2 German Veteran pilots, 1 US Ace and 1 US Veteran pilot.

Not seen are two damaged ME-109's, one at a max speed of one!
Notes from the game
We used a modification to the bomber defensive fire rules in an attempt to speed up play. Basically the closet bomber to a fight was designated as the primary firer for base To_hit #, while other nearby bombers added in  To-Hit modifiers (Edit: it worked ok IMO). We also simplified the modifier by combing the pilot and plane modifiers together. We used the differential between the attack and defender and a chart for the range categories, then cross indexed with deflecting or tailing to locate To-hit #. It is simpler than it sounds. (Edit: this work really well and would take it a step further, use one range chart with To-Hit numbers increased by two. Then To-Hit roll is Range # = 2d6 + Attacker - Defender +2 Tailing. The usual cannon modifiers would apply if appropriate.)

Cannon fire is very deadly.  After playing some Pacific Theater games with Zeroes rolling 2d4 and 2d10s and Wildcats rolling 4d6 for damage, FW-190A-8/R2s rolling 2d20s and 2d10s results in more outright destructions over damaging.  This was also the first time in our playing of CY6! that an Ace pilot was shot down.

Next up Jets over Germany!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Resguardo Irregular Cavalry

I have painted my last unit for my Second Mexican-American War force! Of course I have said that in the past and seem to keep adding units to the army (and as I write this I realize I probably need to paint up six figures for the dismounted option for this unit!).

As I previously posted, I was not happy with the size of the Gringo40 figures. So I bought a pack of Old Glory irregular mexican cavalry on our last order with OG. These were from their mexican american war line, and I suspect not much would have changed in the ensuing 20 years, so I think they'll fit in pretty well as 1864 irregular cavalry . I did clip off the cross piece of the lances to make them more "modern" :)

I intend to use these figures as a Resguardo Irregular Cavalry unit, but I may also use them as line lancers. So I decided to paint them a little more uniformed than they "probably" would have been. I searched online for a pic, found one of a cavalryman in a bluish/grey jackets and greenish/black pants that I liked for inspiration. I mostly copied the picture but did add a few of my own flourishes (like the red/white/green bands) to get the below results.

Resguardo Irregular Cavalry
And to lead this trusty (well more likely untrustworthy) unit, is Fausto "I don't need no stinking rank" Hernandez.
Fausto Hernandez
The pack came with ten figures, and I used eight figures for the unit and the one for the leader. This left the below figure that I painted up as well. Not sure what I'll use him for, perhaps a scout or messenger, but most likely he'll grace the table as an NPC in any games we play.
Señor Pepe Romero with his old pistola

Our British force has fallen through, but looks like we have pick up another Mexican force. So I expect the next blog post for the MAW2 project will be a battle report of the first scenario of the programmed campaign I have worked on.