section of the battle where Grand Duke von Wrede Austro-Bavarian V Corps attacked
Napoleon's flank at La Rothiere. Marmont's weak corps attempted to cover the
front between Chaumesnil and Morvilliers.
The scenario was a “what if” Marmont did not fallback and held on to Chaumesnil. This set up having the Young Guard attack V corps around Beauvoir Farm instead retaking Chaumesnil.
The scenario was a “what if” Marmont did not fallback and held on to Chaumesnil. This set up having the Young Guard attack V corps around Beauvoir Farm instead retaking Chaumesnil.
Marmont's French Corps
Commanded by Bob
Division - GdD Lagrange [Ld7]
Brigade –
GdB Joubert [Ld7]
8x Small Infantry Bns
Commanded By
Division - GdD Doumerc [Ld7]
1x Hussar
& 3 small Chasseurs Rgts &
2x 6lb Batteries
Division - GdD l'Heritier [Ld7]
Brigade -
GdB Lamotte [Ld7]
3x small
Dragoon Rgts
Brigade -
GdB Collaert [Ld8]
2x Small
Dragoon Rgts
Commanded By
2nd Voltigeur
Division - GdD Decouz [Ld9]
4x Young Guard Bns, 2x 6lb
Austrian-Bavarian V Corps
Commanded By Steve Bavarian Infantry Division - GdD Rechberg [Ld8] 2x 6lb batteries Brigade GdB Bayern [Ld7] 3x small Chevaulegeres rgts Brigade GdB Prinz Karl [Ld7] 1x light, 1x infantry & 1x militia Bn Brigade GdB Maillot [Ld7] 1x light, 2x infantry & 2x militia Bns
Commanded By John
Division - FL Splenyi [Ld7]
Brigade Volkmannn [Ld7]
6x infantry Bns & 1x 6lb Battery
Brigade Minutilly [Ld8] 1x hussar, 1x dragoon rgts & 1x 6lb battery |

GdD Lagrange and GdD Doumerc troops began the battle on the table, while the rest of the units for both sides would move on to the battlefield throughout the game. See map above for various entry points for arriving troops.
first couple of turns went as expected, four of the five allied brigades slowly moved onto
the battlefield and a few rounds on long range cannon fire from the French ensued.
Most of
the Bavarian forced moved to the left, to assault the French battalions holding
the hill.
meant that the Austrians were needed to take the farm, so the three battalions of the German regiment
veered left and attacked uphill against the French holding the farm.
The three
battalions of the Hungarian regiment and the cavalry brigade would hold off the
massed French cavalry. The Hussars and Dragoons charge the French chasseurs,
while artillery fired onto the French dragoon regiments.
Off in
the distance is Minutilly's Brigade of Austrian cavalry, the Hussars
were able to chase away the French Hussars, but French artillery fire and a couple
of failed charges ended the brigade’s day. While it did not break, BG Minutilly
could not rally his brigade and they sat out the rest of the battle. That said,
all three French cavalry brigades were kept in place as they were too fragile to
risk charging.
light battalion off in the distance harried the Beauvoir Farm defenders.
The three
German battalions of BG Volkmann’s brigade attacked the French repeatedly but
could not break them. One battalion attempted to take the farm, but after a
couple of rounds of combat were thrown back. BG Volkmann was soon shot dead as
he tried to rally his men for a second go at the farm.
Four battalions Young Guard of GdD Decouz 2nd Voltigeur division arrived
to stem the French right and then proceeded to push the Austrians off the hill, breaking Volkmann’s
Bavarians hotly engaged the Young Guard to their front and succeeded in
stopping the two battalions but at a high cost, GdB Prinz Karl small brigade of
infantry had already broke and both of the remaining two brigades were moments
from breaking ... and then both sides commanders called for a general retreat!
it was an excellent game with a nice ebb flow for both sides. It was at the end
of the day a minor French victory, as they did hold the farm.
The couple of objective scenario special rules I added work so, so. I have to rethink the French cavalry reserve rule as it really made no sense for the French not to immediately bring on GdD l'Heritier dragoon division. But I thought the bonus break point for holding the farm work well.
Ken will be running his Waterloo scenario again next month, with a few changes made from the first time we ran it at Drumbeat.
The couple of objective scenario special rules I added work so, so. I have to rethink the French cavalry reserve rule as it really made no sense for the French not to immediately bring on GdD l'Heritier dragoon division. But I thought the bonus break point for holding the farm work well.
Ken will be running his Waterloo scenario again next month, with a few changes made from the first time we ran it at Drumbeat.